Problems with the body occur as a result of tight or restricted muscles causing structural imbalances and/or blockages in the nervous system and energy system causing dysfunction.
Stress from pain or illness causes an imbalance between the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system. When this happens you lose balance and collect toxins.
Disease is an accumulation of toxins in our body and cause blockages in our electrical and energy systems.
Myoenergy™ Therapy clears these blockages to balance the body. It stimulates detoxification in the body and restores the body’s energetic processors, helping the body to heal itself to achieve homeostasis or perfect, pain free, health and wellbeing.
Myoenergy™ Therapy is a unique of treatment using a combination of Myotherapy (SLM) and Scenartherapy techniques.
It is a very fast and effective solution to not only pain and injury, but also illness and disease.
I had lived with chronic pain for so long, I started to think there was nothing that could be done about it. That was, until after my first appointment with Phill Hanney. The improvement in movement and pain was remarkable.
Myoenergy™ Therapy looks at the body as a whole, addressing all of the systems, releasing the muscular system to balance the body and align the structure and bring function back to a dysfunctional body by finding and clearing blockages in the electrical and energy systems.
It will alleviate acute and chronic pain; restore health, balance and harmony on all levels, including circulatory, sensory, respiratory, neurological, genitourinary, muscular skeletal, gastrointestinal, endocrine, immune and psychological disorders.
Myoenergy™ Therapy is a unique of treatment using a combination of Myotherapy (SLM) and Scenartherapy techniques.
It is a very fast and effective solution to not only pain and injury, but also illness and disease.